Roses, carnations and hypericum, some of the most resistant flowers in time. Buy this bouquet to keep it long in your beloved home.This bouquet is composed of : red roses, pink roses, pink spray carnations, red hypericum and greenery.
Important: The flowers we use are always fresh. In some cases they may be in the form of buds. They will open within 24 hours if in the room are between 23 and 25 Celsius degrees. In this case you can enjoy the freshness even more!Bouquet size: 40 cm (height) - 30cm (diameter bouquet)
Hypericum and roses hand-tied flower bouquet
Fill 2/3 of your vase with water. Remove any leaves that sit below the water line. Keep the floral arrangement in a location without direct sunlight and away from extreme heat or cold. Do not place the arrangement near a drafty door or near a source of heat for best results. Trim 2-3cm off the stems every couple of days. Remove wilting flowers and guard petals from your bouquet to keep it fresh.